The bad blood to restore honor decides to help out the frenzied predator but they both die gruesome deaths.

One of the predators, a good friend of one of the already slain predators, goes on a frenzy trying to take out the seemingly unstoppable foe. One of the predators is crippled by a failed trap. They form a variety of traps in an effort to capture the invisible hunter to no avail. After two predators are quickly taken out the remaining predators declare that they are being hunted by a demon who makes trophies of predators and decide to make a stand. They start to be taken out one by one with no idea who or what is hunting them. The honorablepredators are disgusted with the bad blood predator but agree to take him back with them.Īs they head for the rendezvous point they are attacked by an unseen foe. Turns out the already dead captured predators are bad bloods, also the 6th predator is revealed to be a bad blood who wanted revenge on the aliens and used the honorable predators to get the job done. Spamming predator noob tubes and wiping the place out easily. They get dropped in the middle of a jungle environment and quickly track down the alien hive. Along for the ride is a 6th predator and old friend of the lead predator, this 6th predator is there to ensure the job is done right.

A team of 5 honorable predators who refuse to kill any species for the sake of killing are hired by an elder predator to rescue predators believed to be in alien hands.