Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon quotes
Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon quotes

darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon quotes

The lucky ones will be the first to die from the ghoulish horrors, while those less fortunate will return back to the Hamlet, not as men, but as gibbering lunatics forever scared by the things they have witnessed.

darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon quotes

It is easy to get attached to your characters, especially since they will constantly be skirting death's door and thus producing some rather exciting tales of heroism and perseverance in the face of oblivion, but its probably for the best if you consider them expendable, as that is exactly what they are. No matter how much gold you invest into equipment and training, and no matter how much experience your characters have, there is always that a chance they will not return from their mission, and this is a reality you need to be prepared for. Darkest dungeon narrator quotes series#.

Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon quotes